Thursday, June 10, 2010

Will File 4 Treat: Take Your Dog to Work on June 25

By Suzanne Alicie

We all know that dogs are great companions; we enjoy taking them on walks and to the friendly pet stores that allow them. We make a place for our dogs in our homes and in our hearts. Yet there is one part of our lives that most people don’t have a chance to share with their four legged friends, and that is work. Since 1999, Take Your Dog to Work Day has been celebrated each year to honor the human canine bond and to help promote pet adoption from shelters, the humane societies, and rescue organizations.

For one special day of the year, employers are welcoming their employees’ canine friends. Thousands of businesses all over the world are being invited to “Go Furry” to support homeless pets. You know how special your dog is to you; help make sure that other dogs get the chance to be special to someone too. Visit the official site for TYDTW Day to download your 2010 action pack which is filled with a ton of information about Take Your Dog to Work Day, including information for your employer, hosting and celebration ideas, and training tips to make sure your dog puts his best foot forward in the workplace. You will also find pet supply savings included with your pack.

Pet Sitters International sponsors Take Your Dog to Work Day with the goal to make every pet a wanted one, with a professional pet sitter to care for it. PSI has developed and grown TYDTW Day each year and looks forward to many more years during which pets will invade the workplace for one day, in order to promote pet adoption. There are animals that need loving homes every single day of the year, but Take Your Dog to Work Day is one day each year when this need is brought to the attention of thousands of people worldwide.

Many employers may be wondering why they would want to have their business overrun by dogs for a whole day. The idea is to support your employees, promote pet adoption and by the way, pets in the workplace boost morale, productivity and sales! For employers who just can’t handle letting their business go to the dogs for one day, you can still participate by having employees bring in photos of their pet and organizing a fundraiser to benefit your local shelter.

Many businesses have an open door pet policy for employees, including CANIDAE All Natural Pet Foods' headquarters in California. The CANIDAE employees are encouraged to bring their dogs to work as often as they like, and lapdogs frequently “sit in” on meetings. Think about the last time you visited a small “Mom and Pop” store and were thrilled to see a fluffy cat sitting on the counter, or a large dog with a wagging tail lying under the counter. These pets are taken to work every day and they are as much a part of the business as the employees. Kudos to these pet lovers, they are special. Now it’s time to spread the word.

As a person who works at home, I can tell you that my dogs are wonderful companions and if I had to work outside the home I would miss them tremendously. While at times it is a hassle to have to unwind my laptop power cord from a paw before I can set it aside to get up, there is nothing like a warm fuzzy dog snoring on my feet to make me feel content and productive. Besides, my dogs give me a great excuse to take a break, get some fresh air and a bit of exercise by taking them for a mid afternoon walk.

Pets add so much love and laughter to our lives, shouldn’t we do all we can to make sure that every cat and dog has a loving home with a responsible pet owner who will pamper and spoil them? Participate in TYDTW Day 2010, and help animals find loving homes.

Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie

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