Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks for Our Pets

If there is one thing that unites all of the contributing writers here on the CANIDAE RPO blog, it’s the deep love we have for our pets. Today, on the day when family and friends gather to give thanks for their many blessings, we each wanted to share with you some of the reasons we love and appreciate our four legged friends.

Julia's cat, Annabelle
Julia Williams: I’m thankful for my pets because they make life worth living. That may sound corny, but for me it’s true. I simply couldn’t imagine living without the loving presence of a pet.

These wise and gentle souls have taught me so many important life lessons, and they’ve made me a better person because of it. In addition to being remarkable teachers, my cats are best friends, roommates, healers, trusted companions, stress busters, good listeners and great secret keepers.

My cats are not my children and I am not their “mother,” but they do provide an outlet for that nurturing instinct we all have. It fulfills me to take care of them, and makes me feel good to meet their every need. Regardless of how much money I might have on any given day, my pets make me feel like the richest person on earth. Their love is a priceless treasure never to be taken for granted. I make a point to give thanks each and every day for these beautiful beings, my angels with fur, my beloved cats. They have my heart…and I would not have it any other way.

Langley's pets, Frosty and Jet
Langley Cornwell: I’m thankful for my pets because we love each other so much.

I’m thankful that my precious, shy pup writhes in delight every time I say something to her. She can be across the room, (she’s never far away), minding her own business and I’ll look up from my computer, meet her eyes, and say “hey girl, hey pretty girl.” When I do, she starts her happy squirm. If I keep talking to her, she gets up so she can get more of her body in motion, and wiggle her way over to me. When she gets to where I am, she either forms a crescent with her body and leans against me or bends her head so she can plant her forehead against my legs. When I talk she wants contact. Our contact feels like she’s trying to give me a hug. It’s hard to explain but, in that moment, our love for one another is palpable.

I’m thankful that my cool, macho-acting cat is a complete family man. He’s got a fake swagger that cracks me up, but he’s a lover through and through. When I’m in the house, he’s always in the room with me, usually on or near me. When I’m outside, he’s right where I am. He knows my car and when I drive up, he runs to greet me, like a dog. I love that he loves me as much as I love him, and that he’s quick to demonstrate his love.

Tamara's dogs, Dusty and Cody
Tamara McRill: A little smile is twitching loose on my lips right now, just thinking of all the reasons I have to be thankful for our three dogs, Wuppy, Cody and Dusty. They’re good at that, making me breathless with laughter even when I’m trying to argue and otherwise be ungracious. Their mad-dashing, bone-chucking (often at my head), slobbery affectionate antics make it easy to get distracted from heavy thoughts and fall in with their happy ways.

Their open and individual personalities encircle our home in silliness and love. Something in which I’m grateful to be a part of every day. It keeps things lively.

It’s not just that I appreciate that my dogs are lovey or funny, but that they dare to be this way no matter what’s going on around them. Because, to them, nothing can be so bad that there isn’t time to play or snuggle in for a hug. Nothing is so horrible that it can’t be made better, taken back or forgiven. It can all be smoothed over with a little laughter and a lot of love.

I can’t think of a better outlook to have in life, than to live it full of exuberance. It’s a perspective I’ve grown to cherish. Almost of much as I do our furry companions.

Linda's dog, Riley
Linda Cole: My pets are who I am, and as important to me as any person. They are the ones who kept me going through some tough times, and gave me a reason to laugh when I didn't feel like laughing. My dogs and cats have taught me the importance of understanding, forgiveness, and most importantly, giving of yourself unconditionally.

We have no guarantees in life, and it's up to us to make the best of what we have, regardless of how great or small it may be. My pets have taught me the beauty of sitting quietly and taking in everything around me. To listen and see with my heart all of the beautiful life we share our lands with, and never take anything for granted, especially those you love. Life isn't about taking, it's about sharing, and enjoying each day no matter what's been thrown our way.

I'm thankful for my pets because they helped me understand the importance of seeing the little things, and to look at the world with genuine curiosity and wonderment. To keep moving forward, one day at a time, and don't sweat the small stuff. If you get knocked down, get back up and keep going. My pets accept me for who I am, regardless of my faults, and give me their unconditional love. Over the years, my dogs and cats taught me how to respect all life. I'll always be thankful for the wisdom my pets have shared with me.

Happy Thanksgiving! What are your plans for this long holiday weekend?


  1. Such a terrific post! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from Allegra, Ruby and me!

  3. We can't imagine life without our furbabies, either.

    And, we can't imagine Thanksgiving without our sweet furriends!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Julie, Tom, Mitty, Tinker & Anastasia

  4. We really enjoyed this Thanksgiving post and grateful for all you do for pets and for your friendship! Purrs from Layla, Merlin, Gris Gris, Domino & Odin.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Now that I have Finn in my life, it's hard to imagine what it was like before her. She's my gal!

  6. Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful sentiments by everyone! It is so uplifiting to hear just how much we all love our animals, but more so, how they make us feel as people. The world would be a sad place without them and I am grateful for all of my beloved kitties as well as for finding all of you at this blog!

  7. Lovely post today. Mom's just getting home from work so we are late. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  8. I'm thankful for a warm home, 3 squares a day and my peeps. I'm thanksful for all the people who rescue animals and give them safe homes.

  9. Oh, we LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing these beautiful words about your furry pals. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

    We're going to see friends, volunteer at PAWS, and hang out lots with Sammy and Moosey. :)

  10. Annabelle!! Barney!! Annabelle!! Barney!!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! We loved this post, and are thankful for you too! Purrs!

  12. What a beautiful Thanksgiving post. Our lives are richer with our furry family members. And we are richer for all the wonderful friends the blogosphere has introduced us to.

    Happy Thanksgiving from Katie & Glogirly.
    We are so very thankful for your friendship.

    psssst! We're having a PINK Friday Giveaway at tomorrow!

  13. A wonderful post!! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  14. I can't imagine how I survived all those years without a furry companion I craved for so much. My Labrador, Simba, is responsible for the new chronic depression-free me.. Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. I enjoyed the post very much and although I am not Katie's mother of course, I do nurture her and care for her as a member of the family. She trusts me. All pet parents usully have loving and trusting pets and that brings the absolute best out of us.

  16. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving! We are so grateful for everything our pets bring to our lives. They give so much more than they require.

  17. I am sure my Human is furry furry thanksful for ME, of course. Now, how thanksful am I for her? Hmmmm. Well, the noms are pretty good, and I do have a lot of fun toys, and she usually respects my purrsonal space (don'tpickmeupohpleasedon'tpickmeup), so yeah, I guess she's all right.
