Friday, October 12, 2012

“Cats in Boxes” Photo Contest - Win Free Cat Food!

By Julia Williams

Last week, CANIDAE announced an awesome photo contest for dog owners, with the winner receiving free food for a year and a chance to appear on one of their pet food cans or kibble bags.

Now…that was all well and good, but what about the kitties? Never fear! The kitties get to have their very own contest revolving around the one thing cats love more than anything – boxes!

Yep. Everyone knows cats simply can’t resist the allure of a box. It’s a magical, unexplained attraction that is universal among all cats. We’ve all seen hundreds (if not thousands) of funny photos of cats in boxes. There are pictures of big cats squished into teeny tiny boxes, cats stretched out in long boxes, cats on top of boxes, underneath boxes, peeking out of boxes, and all sorts of other mind boggling cat-and-box combos.

Moreover, I’m betting that every cat owner on the planet has countless pictures of their own furry feline friend in a box! Am I right? Well, now’s your chance to cash in on this kooky kitty obsession. Just enter your favorite photo of your cat in a box, and you might be one of ten lucky winners. What can you win? Read on…


1st place: (2) 15 pound bags of FELIDAE dry cat food + 1 package of FELIDAE TidNips treats

2nd place: (1) 15 pound bag of FELIDAE dry cat food + 1 package of FELIDAE TidNips treats

3rd place: (1) 8 pound bag of FELIDAE dry cat food + 1 package of FELIDAE TidNips treats

4th thru 10th place: 1 package of FELIDAE TidNips


Contest is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only. Pick your favorite photo(s) of your cat in any box. You can submit as many photos as you like by the contest end date, October 31, 2012.

Winners will be selected by CANIDAE and notified via the email address provided with submissions. All photos submitted become property of CANIDAE and may be used for commercial purposes including packaging, websites and any type of marketing or advertising material. The winning photos may also be featured here on the RPO blog.

What are you waiting for? Enter your photo today via the FELIDAE Facebook page or click here.

Terms and conditions apply. See contest for details.

Top photo by Mandy Jouan
Middle photo by Kreg Steppe 
Bottom photo by Eugene Yong

Read more articles by Julia Williams


  1. Great contest!

    We have surprisingly *few* pics in boxes, probably because we so seldom get any boxes!

    Love that last photo, especially. Priceless!

  2. Oh the inexplicable allure of a box! Happy Friday to all our feline friends!

  3. Oh we have tons of box pictures. We will go look for them. That would be great to win some food.

  4. You are sooooo right, who doesn't love a good box!!!

  5. How wonderful to see something for kitties. Yea! And yes, we surely love boxes.

  6. We LOVE boxes...we'll get our entries in soon!!!

  7. Oh my kitty is well odd. He doesn't seem to care for boxes or those cat trees. He much prefer the peach tree and our wooden terris for the blue Wisteria which then he hops on to the roof of our house and he also really prefers me to a play thing then the boxes. I even built him a box house with several openings for pawing unexpected victims. I just loves it when I wave and wiggle a bamboo cane on the floor, under the sheets of the bed and under the closet doors. What a weirdo.

  8. Thanks for letting us know about the box contests. Mom has virtually NO pictures of us in boxes but maybe we can pose for one.

  9. What a cool contest!!! I have a confession to make though. Would you believe that I'm skerred of boxes? Yup. won't go near them and NEVER in them. So I don't have a single photo of me in a box. : (

  10. OMC--I have to say I am just like Katie ^^^ right above me--I do not trust a box. It might eat me, you know.

    But it's a super cool contest and I would luff to see all the pictures!!

  11. Well speaking as a furren cat, it is just as well I can't compete, as I would always win the boxing match!! ;)

  12. Catzowey! All my furiends gonna be looking for their Box fotos to win my favorito food - FELIDAE is what keeps me healthy & handsome!

  13. We only have a few pictures of us in boxes, but we will go and find them and enter this great contest! :)

  14. Kitties in boxes is a great contest. Box me up! hehe


  15. I would love to do this but it seems the cats know when they are "being taped" and refuse to pose. grrrr. I hope you have been well ladies

  16. We bookmarked your page & will have to enter. We love boxes and adopted one last January.

  17. I know this is going to sound like a full moon, crazy, made up claim... but, believe it or not, we don't have any pictures of our cats in boxes!! We have literally thousands of pictures, but none in boxes!! Sigh... good luck to the entries!
