Friday, September 7, 2012

Famous Movie Lines By Cats and Dogs

By Julia Williams

There are a lot of famous movie lines that, when you hear them, you instantly know the film and the character who uttered the line. Sometimes, famous movie lines even make their way into pop culture and are repeated in various scenarios. Who among us hasn’t jokingly yelled “Yo, Adrian!” or “Stella!”

Several years back, the American Film Institute polled 1,500 film artists, critics and historians to create a list of the top 100 movie quotes in American films. Can you guess which famous movie quote was deemed the most memorable of all time? It was Clark Gable’s infamous “Frankly my dear…” line in Gone with the Wind.

What does all that have to do with pets, you ask? One day I was bored, and I decided to “remake” some of the famous movies lines, pretending they were spoken by cats and dogs instead. Then I thought, why not make a little quiz for you, just for fun? See if you can guess which films these “new and improved” movie quotes were taken from. (Answers are below).

A. “You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a cat show champion. I could've been somebody, instead of a lowly housecat, which is what I am.”
B. “Round up the usual chew toys.”
C. “Love means never having to say you’re out of CANIDAE dog food.”
D. “Why don’t you come up sometime and brush my fur.”
E. “Show me the catnip!”
F. “May the cat food breath be with you.”
G. “A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some TidNips treats and a nice saucer of milk.”
H. “Get your stinking mitts off me, you damned dirty human.”
I. “I'm napping here! I'm napping here!”
J. “You can't handle the dog bones!”
K. “Of all the catnip joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
L. “I love the smell of doggie breath in the morning.”
M. “Open the cupboard door, HUMAN.”
N. “There’s no place like the couch. Unless it’s your bed. Or your chair.”
O. “I'm gonna make him a cat toy he can't refuse.”
P. “What we’ve got here is a failure to feed me on time.”
Q. “We'll always have cat food breath.”
R. “After all, tomorrow is another opportunity to get more dog treats!”
S. “Go ahead, make my breakfast. And my dinner, too.”
T. “You barkin’ at me?”
U. “Cat toys? We ain’t got no cat toys! We don’t need no cat toys! I don’t have to show you any stinking cat toys!”
V. “I see dead mice.”
W. “Nobody puts Kitty in a corner.”
X. “Fasten your doggie door. It's going to be a bumpy night.”
Y. “Keep your cat fur close, but your Furminator closer.”
Z. “As God is my witness, I'll never have another hairball again.”

A. On the Waterfront, 1954 (Marlon Brando)
B. Casablanca, 1942 (Claude Rains)
C. Love Story, 1970 (Ali MacGraw)
D. She Done Him Wrong, 1933 (Mae West)
E. Jerry Maguire, 1996 (Cuba Gooding, Jr.)
F. Star Wars, 1977 (Harrison Ford)
G. The Silence of the Lambs, 1991 (Anthony Hopkins)
H. Planet of the Apes, 1968 (Charlton Heston)
I. Midnight Cowboy, 1969 (Dustin Hoffman)
J. A Few Good Men, 1992 (Jack Nicholson)
K. Casablanca, 1942 (Humphrey Bogart)
L. Apocalypse Now, 1979 (Robert Duvall)
M. 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968 (Keir Dullea)
N. The Wizard of Oz, 1939 (Judy Garland)
O. The Godfather, 1972 (Marlon Brando)
P. Cool Hand Luke, 1967 (Strother Martin)
Q. Casablanca, 1942 (Humphrey Bogart)
R. Gone with the Wind, 1939 (Vivien Leigh)
S. Sudden Impact, 1983 (Clint Eastwood)
T. Taxi Driver, 1976 (Robert De Niro)
U. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948 (Alfonso Bedoya)
V. The Sixth Sense, 1999 (Haley Joel Osment)
W. Dirty Dancing, 1987 (Patrick Swayze)
X. All About Eve, 1950 (Bette Davis)
Y. The Godfather Part II, 1974 (Al Pacino)
Z. Gone with the Wind, 1939 (Vivien Leigh) many did you get right?

Photo by Jason McDowell

Read more articles by Julia Williams


  1. BOL! We could only guess Dirty Dancing! But how funny!! Good for a Friday chuckle fur sure.

  2. My Dad must be kind of old, he knew lots of them! Very creative and sooooooo cute!

  3. My mom knew a bunch of them too. She's O-L-D ya know...

  4. That was fun! The mom knew quite a few of them!

  5. Mom knew about 10 or so...and she says you have WAY too much time on your hands..... MOL

  6. Our Mom knew a lot of them. That was terrific fun. Like the way you changed it over to animals. Have a great week end.

  7. MOL what a great post.
    e. jerry McGuire
    f. Starwars
    w. dirty has seen that one a gazillion times
    MOL we came right to the comments before realizing you had the answers. We only knew 3 for sure.
    Hugs madi and Mom

  8. I think I would agree with Random Felines on the time issue. MOL Loved the way you changed the lines for dogs and cats. I got about half of them.

  9. Way to go! What a creative article. I love this, and got about half right. Good stuff.

  10. I am really LOL here. I knew too many of them!!! Been around a long time! Will share on facebook :)

  11. Our mommy only knew 4 of them. She's not very up on that stuff we guess! It was fun though!

  12. Heehee!! What a cute idea, we had a lot of fun with it!

  13. We lubbded dis! The Human finks you has too many from Cattablanca though ;-)

  14. That was so much fun! I think my favorite was "I see dead mice."haha!


  15. Very clever and thanks for the walk down memory lane!!!

  16. We got who said them but not what movie it was in - still not bad. This was fun and thanks for letting us know about your great post!

  17. Mom was able know a few of them it really showed her that she needs to brush up on movie quotes.

  18. Uh up! This is not for us! Our mom never watches movies. We feel so deprived!
